Mental Health Therapy For Frontline Workers

Mental Health Therapy For Frontline Workers

Most of us were not emotionally prepared for the global pandemic. Doctor, nurses and other medical professionals have suddenly found themselves working double shifts with often a lack of resources to care for intensely poorly and dying patients. As most of us stayed...
Five Techniques To Quickly Calm Your Anxiety

Five Techniques To Quickly Calm Your Anxiety

When living with anxiety, any moment can become one that creates a slow rising feeling of panic. Life feels normal one second, and then the next, chest tightens, and heart began to race. Hyper-focus on events in the future seems to dominate thinking, and you find...
Why People Misunderstand Anxiety

Why People Misunderstand Anxiety

Did you ever play ‘telephone’ when you were little? You may have whispered a secret message into the ear of a friend. That kid then whispered the ‘same’ message into the ear of her friend. We would whisper these messages around to the last kid who would have the job...
How To Tell If You’re A Highly Sensitive Person

How To Tell If You’re A Highly Sensitive Person

Wondering if you are a sensitive person? Some people seemed to be born with nerves outside of their skin; these people tend to be more sensitive than their parents, brothers and sisters, all the kids in their class. They cannot get through a movie (even a comedy) or a...

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