couples therapy counselling blog
Five Tips for Dealing with an Adult Bully

Five Tips for Dealing with an Adult Bully

Bullies portrayed in movies, and television often gets their comeuppance, with a happy ending and maybe even a lesson learnt. However, in real life, it is rarely straightforward. You are not alone, dealing with a bully as an adult. Dealing with such a person as an...

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Three types of Sex – Which Are You Having?

Three types of Sex – Which Are You Having?

Sex is a part of our relationship life. We have our individually unique understanding and relationship to our sexuality. But what do we understand about sex? Not the mechanisms of it, but the why of it. What makes us want to engage in the sexual part of ourselves? And...

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Drug Abuse in Men: Reasons, Stigma and Treatment

Drug Abuse in Men: Reasons, Stigma and Treatment

Statistics suggest that men tend to suffer addiction at a much higher rate than women. Why this difference? One explanation might be that men partake in riskier behaviours. Men tend to be more likely to experiment with illicit drugs and drink more. Men often self...

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Recovery From Infidelity

Recovery From Infidelity

In my time as a relationship counsellor, there is probably one statement I have heard more than any other around healing from an affair: "I do not think I can ever get over this" The most second most common phrase I hear is: "I do not think I can ever trust again" The...

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Emotional Challenges of Being a Stay at Home Parent

Emotional Challenges of Being a Stay at Home Parent

Being a stay-at-home parent can be very rewarding, but also incredibly challenging. There can be guilt about not bringing home a paycheck combined with significant loneliness and boredom. Below are three emotional challenges that can come along with being a parent...

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Why Most People Misunderstand Depression

Why Most People Misunderstand Depression

The word depression must be one of the most misunderstood words in the English language. Why is it's meaning so hard to grasp? It is because the word has two starkly contrasting implications, depending on who is using it. The term depression's clinical use describes a...

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Communication Tips for Relationship Healing

Communication Tips for Relationship Healing

We often do not have great role models for communication in our intimate relationships. If you find yourself struggling, hoping things will get better with your partner but not knowing what to do, the tips below might be an excellent place to start. A healthy...

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Are You A New Dad?

Are You A New Dad?

Fatherhood is more than providing food and shelter. Fatherhood is the presence of strength, wisdom and love in your child's life. Many dads struggle to be involved with their child's life for many reasons. Outdated ideas of specific parenting gender roles can conflict...

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Navigating Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Navigating Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Understanding Emotional Distress and Strategies for Resilience Like many others, you're likely striving to maintain composure amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, the challenges can feel overwhelming. Concerns about loved ones' health, conflicting media reports, and...

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Overcoming Addiction: How Loved Ones Can Help

Overcoming Addiction: How Loved Ones Can Help

For decades, individuals suffering from addiction have travelled the same route towards recovery, combining support such as rehab, anonymous groups with individual counselling and psychotherapy. The traditional route of psychotherapy, counselling and group support has...

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Mental Health Therapy For Frontline Workers

Mental Health Therapy For Frontline Workers

Most of us were not emotionally prepared for the global pandemic. Doctor, nurses and other medical professionals have suddenly found themselves working double shifts with often a lack of resources to care for intensely poorly and dying patients. As most of us stayed...

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Strengthening Relationships Through Difficult Times

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