Effect of Child Abuse on Adult Experiences

Effect of Child Abuse on Adult Experiences

Each year in this country, thousands of children are the victims of child abuse by parents, guardians, and other adults. Whether this abuse is physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional, it can leave scars on their heart and psyche for many years. Here are just some of...
What is Racial Trauma?

What is Racial Trauma?

Racial trauma, sometimes referred to as race-based traumatic stress (RBTS), refers to mental and emotional stress resulting from racial bias, discrimination, microaggressions, and hate crimes. Individuals who experience racial trauma deal with the pain of the initial...
Five Tips for Dealing with an Adult Bully

Five Tips for Dealing with an Adult Bully

Bullies portrayed in movies, and television often gets their comeuppance, with a happy ending and maybe even a lesson learnt. However, in real life, it is rarely straightforward. You are not alone, dealing with a bully as an adult. Dealing with such a person as an...
Healing from Childhood Emotional Neglect.

Healing from Childhood Emotional Neglect.

Many of us as kids were told explicitly or implicitly that we should be seen and not heard. While the purpose of this statement may have been to keep the household volume down, it could also have had negative ramifications. Worse still, many children suffer from...

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