Why Should I Forgive?

Why Should I Forgive?

An ancient saying says, “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.” This is a warning to people not to act out in anger or resentment because you only end up harming yourself. Over time, these resentments can build until the individual develops...
Finding Yourself in Relationship

Finding Yourself in Relationship

When we first fall in love with that special someone, we want to spend all our time together. We feel better when we are with our significant other. This is the infatuation stage, and admittedly, it feels terrific. But enduring relationships move past this stage and...
When is it time to ask for help?

When is it time to ask for help?

Depression and anxiety are complex and vary widely between individuals. Therefore, recognising situational discomfort that will shift through time and something more serious requiring professional support can be challenging. To get the measure of a mental health...

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