Re-Entry Anxiety After Lockdown

Re-Entry Anxiety After Lockdown

Most of us over the past year have been unhappy with living a life in lockdown, wondering when we can mingle socially with others. Finally, with vaccines rolling out and most herd immunity developing, society is beginning to open back up. For many, it may be a...
Signs of Addiction

Signs of Addiction

How to Identify When a Behaviour is Becoming Problematic: Signs of Addiction When we speak about addiction, we tend to think of drugs and alcohol. However, many seemingly benign activities can become an addiction for some people. For some, watching porn is an activity...
How to Help Someone Who is Grieving

How to Help Someone Who is Grieving

We can often fail to reach out to a loved one in grief out of shyness or uncertainty. Often, we worry that we don’t have the words or know what we can do to help. It is often easier to offer a virtual hug or send a text instead of picking up the phone or talking...
What is Racial Trauma?

What is Racial Trauma?

Racial trauma, sometimes referred to as race-based traumatic stress (RBTS), refers to mental and emotional stress resulting from racial bias, discrimination, microaggressions, and hate crimes. Individuals who experience racial trauma deal with the pain of the initial...
Mental Health Habits for 2021

Mental Health Habits for 2021

Society seems obsessed with physical health and weight loss.  We join gyms, take supplements, all to optimise our physical health. However, most people don’t give their mental health a second thought. No matter how good you look on the outside or how low your...
Healthy Food and Emotional Regulation

Healthy Food and Emotional Regulation

Do you ever find yourself being an emotional eater? When you’re feeling stressed or upset, do you find yourself reaching for the crisps and biscuits? If so, you’re not alone. Most of us deal with the challenges of life by turning to comfort foods. The...

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