We seem to live in a society that rewards a particular type of courage and bravery — for example, running into a burning building to save lives.
Of course, this act is incredibly courageous. However, I would argue that there is a lack of appreciation for the bravery and courage it takes to become aware of and share our vulnerabilities. This post explores the benefits of doing this.
But how many of us allow ourselves to be vulnerable with another?
The Benefits of Vulnerability
We know the potential benefits of being externally courageous. But how can we benefit from being vulnerable and see vulnerability as great internal courage?
Vulnerability Can Bring More Intimacy
Opening up to another and sharing your deepest fears and longings is what ultimately builds healthy and lasting relationships.
When we expose our authentic selves, we do set ourselves up for the risk of potential heartache and rejection. However, we also have the opportunity to create and foster deep connections.
Vulnerability and Increased Self-worth
The process of exploring our vulnerabilities allows us to accept ourselves as we are, flaws and all. In addition, finding safety in vulnerability helps us stop comparing ourselves to others and experience a tremendous boost in our self-esteem and self-worth.
Vulnerability Increases Self Compassion
Getting comfortable with our vulnerability means we can also be comfortable sharing these parts of ourselves with others and develop understanding and compassion for ourselves. In turn, we can then feel more compassion for others.
As they say, every journey starts with a single step. So likewise, your journey towards feeling safe to share your vulnerabilities will also begin with a single step.
Spending more quiet time alone may help you dip into these parts of yourself. It may mean the next time a good friend asks, “how are you?” maybe you can tell them a little bit more about what is going on for you.
It may also mean uncovering some old wounds and pain you have been ignoring and pushing away. And for this part of the journey, you may want to consider seeking support from a trained counsellor or psychotherapist who can support you to start to unpack these places safely.
If you would like some support on this significant journey, please get in touch with me. I would be happy to discuss how I work. I see my clients online globally or in my office in person in Hove.